We are officially in spring, which means longer days, BBQs, game nights, and of course- Spring Cleaning. If you are looking around and don't know where to start, not to worry! We have put together a helpful list of our top five tips to help you make the most of your time and get your spring off to a great cleaning start.
When trying to clean it is always best to start out in an organized way. Making a list will give you a map of what you want done and will help ensure that you have all the tools that you need to start off right. Start your cleaning day off with a nice cup of coffee and take some time to list off all your cleaning goals from washing windows to cleaning toe kicks. The other thing we love about making lists is we get to check things off as we finish and it keeps us motivated to start the next project!
Have you ever heard, Friends Don't Let Friends Clean Alone, or A Family That Cleans Together Stays Together? We love these mottos when it comes to Spring Cleaning. The main point is to get everyone in the household involved. It is not fair to take it all on yourself, so communicate ahead of time the cleaning day and your expectation for everyone to pitch in and hold them accountable. Remember, cleaning doesn't have to be a horrible chore; blast some good tunes and turn Spring Cleaning into a party that everyone is invited to.
Think of Spring Cleaning also as a time to clear out the old and make space for the new. We recommend having a box nearby at all times as you are cleaning things up so that you have a place to put the items that no longer spark your fancy. Put the box in storage or take it for donation so that when cleaning is done those items are gone. Use Spring Cleaning to get rid of your clutter and start off the season with a fresh slate.
This is a very practical piece of cleaning advice, but it can save you a great deal of time and headache. When we say start top to bottom we really mean it. We want the dust to fall on things that have not been cleaned and spare us having to clean things twice. So we will start a room by dusting the top molding and end the room by mopping the floor.
Looking around at the work and overwhelmed? Too darn busy to address Spring Cleaning? Would rather be outside playing than inside cleaning? Don’t sweat it, deep cleaning is not for everyone, but it is definitely for us! Don't let another year go by without getting a good deep cleaning. Contact us if you or someone you know may be in need of a residential or commercial cleaning service like ours. We can’t wait to hear from you. Give us a call or email us here. Have fun and stay safe out there!