As with any profession or pastime, there are many myths associated with cleaning techniques that many people believe without even realizing it. In today’s blog, we’re going to touch on the top cleaning related myths that you should ditch in 2025. If you have any myths that you’d like to share or discuss with us, please give us a shout out on social! We’d love to hear from you.

Myth: Vinegar Cleans Everything

It’s true, vinegar does clean a lot of things! Heck, you can even prepare food in it or even drink it to help reduce acid reflux flare-ups.  However, it doesn’t clean everything. It kills germs and is gentle on our bodies compared to harsher chemical compounds, but it is terrible at some things: cleaning delicate surfaces like granite and marble. For those, you will need to switch to something like pH neutral cleaners.

Myth: Bleach Cleans and Disinfects All Surfaces

Bleach is pretty much the nuclear option when it comes to disinfecting surfaces. Just about every germ, virus, bacteria, or mold folds like a house of cards when it is exposed to this titan of cleanliness, but it is not necessarily a good cleaner. Bleach is terrible at helping you get a surface that is covered with things like dust, grit, grime, or food particles at all. For those tasks, you should use something like a traditional cleaner that is more gentle like soapy water, or a vinegar solution. Then, once the surface is cleaned, you can apply a small amount of bleach to actually disinfect the surface to make it safer.

Myth: You Should Clean Windows on Sunny Days

It seems logical when you first think about it, but unfortunately, cleaning your windows (especially the outside surfaces) on a sunny day is about the worst way to go about it. The sunlight and excess heat actually works against you when it comes to creating unsightly streaks and drying off your cleaner before you have a chance to wipe it clean. Try cleaning your windows on an overcast day or in the morning or evenings before the sun is fully up.

Myth: Carpets Don’t Need Regular Cleaning if They Look Clean

Wrong! Unfortunately, carpets do require a fair amount of upkeep if you want them to last a long time and stay tidy for guests. Vacuuming alone can’t get your carpets as clean as they need to be and regular professional deep cleaning is recommended to get the most out of your carpet’s lifespan. 

Myth: You Only Need to Change Your Sponges When They Smell

Sponges are really good at soaking up large amounts of water and allowing you to scrub surfaces effectively with the help of the extra H20, however, this means that they are also really good at trapping bacteria and other bad things. You should be sanitizing your sponges weekly in the microwave or dishwasher or replacing them outright long before they start to smell off in any way. 

For The Road

Understanding the cleaning myths that still cling on to our collective memory is no small feat, but with a little preparation you can be ready for anything that comes your way this year. Contact us if you or someone you know may be in need of a residential or commercial cleaning service like ours. We can’t wait to hear from you. Give us a call or email us here. Have fun and stay safe out there!