We may think our home is a place where we can escape from the outdoor allergies that plague many of us. But, in reality, there are many kinds of hidden allergens found in the home. According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI), more than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies each year and they are the 6th leading cause of chronic illness in the U.S. To ensure you stay healthy and happy in your home here are a few helpful tips.
Keep your home clean and dust free especially if you or someone in the home suffers from allergies. Dust can collect in a variety of places for example on bookshelves, home décor, blinds, window seals and baseboards, and even under furniture (how did it get there?!). To rid your home of those hard to spot dusty places make a list of areas to clean and be sure to dust, sweep, shake, or vacuum regularly. Also, consider using a damp dust cloth to reduce the number of airborne particles admitted into the air while dusting. Remember, especially if you are allergic, you can sport a mask while cleaning. Keep in mind that it can take more than two hours for the dust to settle after a thorough cleaning—so, if possible, clean while anyone who has allergies is away or leave the house for a few hours after you are done cleaning it.
We all love Fido but if you or a loved one is fighting allergies associated with pet dander, consider limiting your pet’s access to the bedroom. If that’s not possible, at least consider restricting them from sleeping on the bed with you at night. When you sleep, you unknowingly breathe in all of your bedroom’s most allergy-worsening particles. Therefore, keeping the bedroom allergen-free can go a long way in reducing the symptoms you experience throughout the night and into the day.
Air conditioning and heating vents regularly filter air throughout your home and capture a bunch of dust in the process. If you don’t change them out, they can blow the dust right back into the air circulating around your home. That’s why the ACAAI recommends changing your filters at least every three months. You can time it with the change in seasons. It’s also a good idea to have your heating and air conditioning units inspected and serviced every six months to make sure they’re doing a good job of filtering your air.
The bedroom is the number one spot where pesky allergens hang out. You might recall hearing at some point in your life, “change your sheets weekly.” It’s one of those chores you should make number one on your cleaning list. This will help ensure your bedding is not collecting skin flakes or the dust mites or bed bugs aren’t cozying up with you. Yes, make sure you get into the habit of washing all of your bedding once a week. It’s recommended all of your home’s sheets, pillow cases, blankets, comforters and even throw pillows are washed on a hot cycle (about 140 degrees) once per week. This can effectively kill dust mites, bed bugs, and other pests while removing allergens that may become trapped in the fibers.
If you are extremely sensitive, you may need someone to help you clean. If your budget allows for it, you might benefit from hiring someone to do a solid cleaning of your place monthly, then fill in the gaps between. Sometimes getting a little help with the cleaning also helps lighten your load and frees you up to do the things you love as well. Explore our cleaning services if you’d like us to help keep your home clean or reduce the number of allergens in your home. Contact us for a free quote today!
Doing all of this might sound like a total pain, but it can help make a difference in reducing the number of allergens in your home. Unfortunately, our environment doesn’t allow us to completely rid our homes entirely of allergens but incorporating these cleaning tips into your routine may help reduce your allergy symptoms.
Learn more about keeping your home allergy free by visiting the Mayo Clinic’s article “Allergy-Proof Your Home.”