With fall around the corner, it is a good idea to start thinking about cold and flu season and how to prevent it, especially in the office. As the weather cools down everyone naturally tends to spend more time indoors and this can increase the risk of cold and flu because there are more germs spread. Offices can be very busy and sometimes cleaning practices can be overlooked, turning your office into a hot spot for germs. It is best to take a proactive approach to cleaning and safeguarding your office from cold and flu germs. The best defense is a good offense! Here are a few reasons why it may be a good idea to hire a professional commercial cleaning crew who will become an active partner with you in safeguarding your office from pesky germs this cold and flu season.
A professional cleaning company will focus on areas where germs are concentrated. Knowing where these germs are is even more important as there may be hot spots or various touch points in and around your office that you have not considered. We ensure any type of tools or equipment used for cleaning are regularly inspected, cleaned and maintained. The last thing you want is to push, wipe, spread and transfer dirt around from one place to another. Also, focusing on cleanliness with your workers is critical. Make sure you have signs posted to remind employees to wash their hands, empty trash, etc.
Various strains of influenza and germs are naked to the eye. Professional cleaning services focus on cleaning for health. We use various cleaning methods and products to help reduce or eliminate germs on the surface, door handles, or other areas throughout the office. Our professional team of cleaners are responsible and knowledgeable on the best germ killing practices.
A professional clean will ensure that a thorough wipe down of the office has been completed. Wiping down phones, keyboards and everything else that gets touched frequently is important. Communal items like coffee pots, water fountains, sinks and dishes, vending machines, etc. should receive extra attention when it comes to a thorough clean. In addition, it’s a good idea to have furniture cleaned or wiped down frequently as well. Giving everything a good wipe down can be an overwhelming job, which is even more of a reason why you should bring in the experts for a little extra help. After all you and your employees are busy running the day to day of a busy office. Let the professionals handle the cleaning to-do-list.
The best way to protect your office this coming cold and flu season is to be proactive about eliminating germs before they take over your office. When you partner with 208 Cleaning Co. we not only help you safeguard the health of your employees but we also set you up for success as a true partner in helping you keep your office healthy and clean. Contact us for a quote today!