With the holiday season, we find ourselves, amidst the party preparation and the shopping, thinking about the challenges that the New Year will bring. We often contemplate large life goals and career opportunities that we will face, but keeping the house clean doesn’t often come up. Well, it should! A clean and tidy home is a fantastic foundation to help you be less stressed and more focused on your more impactful goals like your health and fitness, career, and family. In today’s blog, we’re going to help set you up for success next year and every year after with some New Year’s resolutions that you won’t want to dump after January. 

Resolution #1: Use Your Cleaning Time As A Workout Time

Get the most out of your New Year’s resolution to lose weight and work out more often while also keeping your home spotless! Turn your cleaning sessions into a workout so that you can feel good about getting more exercise while also keeping your home cleaner than it ever has been before. 

  • Do everything with urgency. Don’t just lazily walk that trash bag out to the trash can, fast walk it and then book it back in the house. See how many cleaning tasks you can get done in a 30 minute block workout.
  • Ditch the mop. Scrub the floor by hand with a sponge or cloth and bucket to really get an intense full body workout.
  • Lunge while you vacuum. Doing deep lunges as you walk across the floor while vacuuming helps you burn more calories and develop those muscle groups
  • Do extra cleaning tasks that you don’t normally do in the daily. Finished with the dishes after dinner? Instead of hopping on the couch, try washing the windows instead. You will get something useful done while also getting a fantastic workout in. Try it!

Resolution #2: Deep Clean One Appliance Each Week

This goes hand in hand with the first resolution. Deep cleaning anything burns a lot of calories and is hard work. Let’s deep clean everything, then! But, you don’t have to get overwhelmed by trying to do them all in a weekend or a single day. Spread them out over the year. Every major appliance should be deep cleaned at least twice a year, so book them out accordingly so that you can hit all of your home’s appliances two or three times a year by rotating them weekly. 

Resolution #3: Focus On Throwing Away As You Clean

As you clean and organize this New Year, ask yourself if you really need every item or piece of random junk that you come across. If you can get rid of something that you haven’t used in years or don’t even know what it goes to, then that is a huge win. The less clutter in your home, the less you will have to clean and organize! When in doubt, throw it out.

For The Road

Preparing for the New Year and staying ahead of the cleaning tasks at hand is no small feat, but with a little preparation you can be ready for anything that comes your way this year. Contact us if you or someone you know may be in need of a residential or commercial cleaning service like ours. We can’t wait to hear from you. Give us a call or email us here. Have fun and stay safe out there!